1. Swarnabhasma, 2. Suddha Haritala, 3. Hema Makshikabhasma,
4. Vangabhasma, 5. Rajata bhasma, 6. Suddha Manasila,
7. Kanthalohabhasma, 8. Nagabhasma, 9. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa),
10. Pravalabhasma, 11. Vaikrantabhasma, 12. Mouktikabhasma,
13. Silajit Bhasma.
To be used for chronic nausea, vomitting, distaste and all bilious ailments.
Very useful in jaundice, liver and spleen disorders. Useful in mental
disorders also.
Unit of packing : 2g, 3g
Dosage : 1g = 5 doses
To be used twice daily with Madeephalarasayana in general and with
Saraswatarishta for depression and mental disorders or as directed by
the physician.
Other Names of the Product: