1. Kantalohabhasma, 2. Mandurabhasma, 3. Tankanam, 4. Suddha
Manasila, 5. Silajit Bhasma, 6. Suddha Parada, 7. Suddha Gandhaka,
8. Lohabhasma.
Useful for anaemia, jaundice, chronic fevers and odemageneralised.
good appetiser, corrects the disorder of liver and spleen.
Unit of packing : 5g
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses
Can be used
With the juice of jeera added with honey for distaste and jaundice.
the juice of bhringaraj leaves for chronic fevers. With Draksharista for
weakness and bloodlessness
Other Names of the Product:
Kantavallabharasa, Kanta Vallabha Rasa