1. Swarna bhasma (calcined gold), 2. Rajatabhasma (calcined silver),
3. Thamrabhasma (calcined copper), 4. Kantalohabhasma (calcined
magnetic iron), 5. Lohabhasma (calcined iron), 6. Mandurabhasma
(calcined ferroso ferric oxide), 7. Abhrakabhasma (sataputa) (calcined
mica), 8. Vangabhasma (calcined tin), 9. Nagabhasma (calcined lead),
10. Pravalabhasma (calcined corals), 11. Mouktikabhasma (calcined,
pearls), 12. Rasa Sindura (red sulphide of mercury).
A nectarlike medicine for consumption. Removes pains in chest, sensation
of heat all over the body. Cures irritable cough, chronic fever, anaemia
and general wasting. Suits all constitutions.
Unit of packing : 3 g, 5 g
Dosage : 1 g = 4 doses
To be used with the syrup of ginger juice, honey and sugar candy,
daily for speedy recovery.
Chyavanaprasa is to be used along with twice daily.
and Draksharishta are also advisable to be used along with
this medicine.