Somariji Taila
र 190.00
I have bought this for my patients and am satisfied with the results.
Date Added: 12/29/2018 by Dr. Satish Reddy
using Kantaderm and somaraji taila since few weeks. skin itching gone and feeling better. Nice produ...
Date Added: 12/25/2018 by Shivamma S
product is so good I would like to gave 4 star rating
Date Added: 11/10/2017 by Y. Eswara Sai Prasad
I have used Somariji Taila, medicine and i can see my skin disease problem gradually decreases. medi...
Date Added: 11/09/2017 by praveen nandula
we are using 6/7 types of medicines from van. its very good we r satisfied.
Date Added: 06/21/2017 by SARAT SEKHAR K
- Others
- Abdominal Disorders
- Amenorrhoea
- Anaemia
- Anthelmintic
- Biliousness & Anorexia
- Blood Pressure
- Blood-bile
- Bronchitis - Lung Care
- Children's Health
- Cholera
- Chronic Fevers
- Colic Pains
- Constipation
- Dental Care
- Diarrhoea
- Diarrhoea with fever
- Digestive Health
- Diminished appetite
- Diseases of Children
- Diseases of Pregnancy
- Dropsy
- Dry Cough
- Dysentery
- Dyspnoea with cough and phlegm
- Epilepsy
- Fever
- General Health
- Giddiness
- Hardbreathing & Hiccoughs
- Heart Disease
- Hysteria & Fainting
- Immune System & Metabolic Disorder
- Indigestion
- Irregular Periods
- Jaundice
- Joints Health Care
- Leucorrohoea
- Malarial & Complicated fevers
- Menorrhagia
- Menstrual Pains
- Mind & Mood
- Paralysis
- Psoriasis
- Puerperal Fevers
- Rheumatism
- Seminal Weakness
- Shooting Pain
- Sourbile
- Stress & Sleep Management
- Typhoid
- Urinary stranguary, calculi & other afflictions
- Vayudhatu (Vataroga)
- Vigour, Vitality
- Weight Management
- Over Sweating
- Gain Weight
- Weight Lose/Obesity
- Diabetes Type 1 (Blood Sugar)
- Diabetes Type 2
- Vitality
- Arthritis
- Skin
- Thyroid
- Herpes
- Piles
- Liver Disorders
- Indigestion
- Impotency / Infertility
- Prameha
- Pulmonary